I just returned from a two day trip to Eastern Washington. I have lots of rolls of film to develop and that will take some time. I did, however, take some digital shots that I will share. I might add that the digital camera makes a great light meter and when I use it as such I usually take a picture just to have as back up.
Wheat field in winter
Half of the fields are barren, the other half are just starting to show some growth. The field above has wheat about 3 inches high.
No crop this year
17 1/2 Trees
I returned to places that I have visited many times before but they look differently in the winter light.
Grain bins, Washtucna
Main St, Lind (from the back)

Road to Harder Cemetery
The original name of Kahlotus was Hardersburg. I stumbled into a small, well kept and very orderly cemetery about a mile east of the present town. Most of the monuments were large and new. The vast majority bore the name Harder; a small cluster all were inscribed with the name Peot.
Love the Road to Harder Cemetary…makes me think of how many of these small community–or even just one family–cemetaries have become obscured and forgotten in the overgrowth.
Looks like a great new batch.
Thanks, Nick, I hope so.