Harrington 2


Harrington United Methodist Church

Hwy 23 or 3rd street is the road along which ‘downtown’ Harrington is spread.  That is where you will find  the Opera House and the abandoned gas station mentioned in last weeks post along with many interesting old buildings.


Hotel Lincoln

I met Jerry and Karen Allen in the Opera House.  They are renovating the Hotel Lincoln – The Electric Hotel.  It is a grand old structure and you can read more about it at www.harringtonbiz.com.  I extracted a promise from them for a room reservation when they are ready to reopen.

There are many other interesting buildings along this thoroughfare including  an old car dealership that now is the base for restoration and storage of old Studebakers, and the Nazarene church.



I met Lorne Howe and his friend while they were sitting in a renovated  detached garage in old metal garden chairs enjoying their morning beer and cigarettes.  Lorne was glad to show me through his house and we talked for quite a while while his grandchildren romped around the yard.  He moved to Harrington about 10 years ago, bought a 100 year old house (with detached garage) and has been lovingly restoring them to a glory that they never had before ever since.  He likes saving old things and preserving history.  He is doing a great job!


Morning Beer, Lorne Howe on the left

2 thoughts on “Harrington 2

  1. Your photography and commentary have become my morning meditation ritual, in that I plop down after the morning hubbub and look closely into each photo. I am transformed for a soft moment, then rush off. Thank you, Skip.

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